A Joint Sector Company with GoWB (WBIDC & WBTDC)

Toll Free No : 1800 2020 080

Online Ticket – Sainik

Online Tickets for Nicco Park Kolkata


After successful completion of the online ticket booking process, you will receive SMS / mails with the New Ticket Booking Order confirming your payment from CCAvenue and its booking details.

*Tickets once purchased are non-transferable and non-refundable.

*Rides facilities are subject to its availability.

The visitors who belong to this category (Sainik) must carry their ID card and must show at the FAST TRACK TICKET COUNTER.

40% off on entry and all packages.

For any package ticket under this category, Entry Ticket is included in all packages.

Nicco Parks & Resorts Limited

A Joint Sector Company with GoWB (WBIDC & WBTDC)

Jheel Meel, Sector IV
Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 106,
West Bengal, INDIA


Phone: 033 6628 5549/64
E-Mail: niccopark@niccoparks.com
CIN: L92419WB1989PLC046487